Sunday, January 2, 2011

Does my life make sense?

I was listening to the Passion 2011 live web stream @ and Francis Chan was speaking. His talk was convicting, challenging me in my walk with the Lord.

Do I live like I believe in Hell? Would somebody see the joy of the Lord radiating from me in the good times and bad? Do I act upon my faith and really live out loud, or am I passive about who I am in Lord? Does my life make sense in light the amazing truth that the gospel is? Do I live selectively in my faith, or can I praise my Father no matter the church scenery, fancy music, or other embellishments that seem to draw the crowds?

What does it truly look like to live my life devoting my all to the Lord? I don't think I know. I know I am far from living each moment for Him. I don't spend time with him because I am desperate for more of Him each day. I want to be desperate for the Lord. I too often think I can get by on my own with a little help from the Lord. That doesn't make sense to me, he should be my everything. I want to feel like I can not live each day to the fullest without spending time with Him, he should be my motivation in each decision, in each step.

Will my life "make sense in light of the gospel" in 2011? I sure hope it will make more sense, that I will grow so much closer to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Angela! Somehow I missed every looking up your blog, but I found it through Jill's who's popped up on my facebook homepage. I should have known that your blog was a title of grace. Love!
