When I was observing in a 4th grade class last semester the writing time given to the students only consisted of writing to the standards on most days. They hardly ever got the opportunity to write for themselves or explore topics of choice on a regular basis. The classroom was not set up in a way where the students took initiative for what they were writing. They were not confident in the process of becoming writers. I think that when the book describes being a writer as an identity to take on it is a very practical idea that most teachers don't embrace. It is true that teachers often don't feel confident in their own writing, as can be said about other subjects as well. I think it is necessary to embrace the topic and be enthusiastic about its implementation. It is vital for teachers to create an environment where students can grow as writers. At the end of a year in a classroom where a writers workshop is correctly implemented all of the students should feel much more confident in themselves as writers.
When reading the chapters I realized that there are so many things that are essential in making a writers workshop work. I think that the most essential element in making something like this successful is spending intentional time being engrossed in the workshop. I agree that in an ideal classroom it would be great to have a writers workshop each day, but am not quite sure that in reality that would happen. Thus, it is quite important to create your own writers workshop rhythm as a teacher. I am excited to continue to learn more about how to make the writers workshop that I implement my own, for my students to grow and learn to the best of their ability. I know it is necessary to spend time frequently writing, without integration of other subjects. I think that this book will open my eyes to many ways I can do this effectively!
I think that your point about many teachers not feeling like they are confident writers has a lot to do with many of the choices made about writing instruction in classrooms. Some people might question the way I emphasize the importance of all of you getting to know yourselves as strong writers, but for me, if you have little confidence in your abilities as a writer, it will be very hard to encourage the students to flourish. You will definitely find the pattern that works for you as a teacher. I look forward to watching your vision continue to develop.