Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapters 7,8,19 WW

The materials provided for a writing workshop can encourage creativity. It is true that when students are able to explore with materials in any subject area they are more prone to working hard. They are encouraged to be creative and to explore different ways to tailor their writing habits.  They are also more encouraged to make writing their own when the supplies are readily available to them.When students are allowed to move around the room the same creativity occurs. They are able to find an area where they will work best. They are able to choose from so many different options, whether they decide to move to the quiet corner or work alongside productive chatter. When it is planned out in a set fashion all of this moving doesn't encourage chaos, but it is a part of the rhythm of the day. Children need to make the space and environment their own and I think the things I mention help to shape that.

I think that writing workshops need to be chaotic in an organized way. I don't know how well my mentor teacher would do with this type of enviroment, but I believe that it could definitely be productive when given the correct structure. Students should be doing all different things and that is ok. I think it would be hard to know what each of my students are doing in order to keep tabs on their progress, but that's ok. That is when the classroom really isn't just owned by the teacher, but the students have the ownership too. They are able to work hard and are motivated to do so. This is whent he structure comes in. It would be hard to put a writing workshop in a box, that is true. I think that makes it exciting! I can't wait to see how the writing workshop in my classroom will shape up. I also can't wait to see how it will change and become better through the years.

Students need to make a goal with their writing. I agree that publlishing makes kids excited about what they can create. It makes them proud and encourages them in their writing. I remember that I always loved to get to share my published writing in school throughout elementary and high school. I can't wait to get my students encouraged in their writing. I want them to look foward to their writing, have goals for themselves and get to applaud their clssmates.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of kids applauding each other makes me smile. (Actually, your whole blog makes me smile! I love the pictures). I am also excited to see where your workshop goes. I hope you'll feel good starting out, and as you grow along with your students, you'll only find it deeper and more rewarding for all of you.

    I also see many opportunities for kids to feel encouraged in the workshop format. I have a feeling you'll be especially good at this...
