Tuesday, May 28, 2013

abounding in love.

The Lord loves his children, and often times we don't grasp that in the midst of the chaos life brings. Life is often so fast paced that we don't take the time to notice the moments where that love seems to be abounding exceedingly. We try to fill each day with so much that we don't justify time to solely sit in the presence of the Lord.


Why don't we take the time to appreciate the moments the Lord brings us to fill us up with the love we need to pour out to the world. Why don't we see those moments as vital in order to bring the lost into the loving arms of Christ. 

We need to fight that instinct.We need to rather take time to stop and be refreshed. We need to have those moments where we are unashamedly basking int he glow of the lords presence, in the embrace of His ever-stretching arms. 

Worship brings me into those moments. Tonight, I remember the sweet sound of the lyrics "there's no place I'd rather be then here in your love". We need to take those moments to just be here in his love. He gives us those moments and we so often pass them by because we don't stop to embrace his outstretched arms. 

I wonder what draws you close into the outstretched arms of our Father. There are so many ways the Lord speaks and shows his love to us. We just need to stop and receive his abounding love. 

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

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