Monday, July 18, 2011

Camp, an experience that is hard to put in words

How do I start this epic entry series about the amazing Strong Rock Camp...
right now it's one of the hardest things to do...

...It seems too soon to be writing about my 2011 camp experience, because in writing about it that means it has come to an end. I hate it when camp comes to an end.
It's an experience that has the potential of captivating the essence of the butterfly effect, of changing the world.
An experience of being unaware in the moment, but pouring out in humility and even sometimes seeing the fruit that comes from abiding in the Lord.
An experience based on the simple yet complex ideas  of loving unconditionally and being loved in return.
An experience that doesn't compare to any other.

There  is no other place and group of people that I cry about leaving as much as when I leave camp. There is no other place where I have felt an immense amount of encouragement, joy, and freedom in the Lord.

Simply, Strong Rock is a place incomparable to any other....

This entry serves as an introduction...but just that, it will take many more days to write about all of camp, so stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. You may not be the same because of Strong Rock, but Strong Rock will never be the same because of you Bubbles!
