It's true, feel home sick for camp sometimes.
Strong Rock camp is indescribable... It's probably the most encouraging environment that I have ever been a part of. Everyone on staff proved to be such an affirmation to me many times throughout the summer. I could tell that they loved me for me. When you are able to act crazy, wear costumes that make no sense, and nobody thinks twice- that's somewhere I want to be. I never had to hide myself.
All of the staff members hold special places in my heart and have really helped me become more confident in who God has made me to be. Throughout the summer (and after the summer too) they have brought so much joy to my life. I had such a hard semester right before camp, but camp was exactly what I needed.
I have made lifelong friends.
I have also made lasting memories. Those would be too hard to write out here (they would go on forever, and might be mentioned in later blog posts)
There are campers that I will never forget because of their impact in my life. So many of them were always so excited to see me and would love me even if I was continually yelling at them. It was beautiful to see that. I was challenged to love some of my campers, but in the end it was worth it. It allowed me to become more selfless and really love with the Lord's love. This summer was huge affirmation about teaching in the future.
Since I'm talking about things that start with the letter C and am writing an entry on camp I could never forget to mention my 2 awesome co-co's that I had this summer:
CARROT- My co-co fof the first half of the summer. She was such a helpful hand as I got used to camp, and became confident as a counselor.She has an amaing dedication to the Lord, and is an amazing teacher. I love her constant use of "oh geez" and her obsession with Swedish fish. I can't forget her amazing teddy bear named theodore that made me laugh on countless ocassions. I cherish her friendship!
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