There comes a season when it is pertinent to live in the moment. It is a time when life spirals in so many different directions, and everything seems to be shifting. I feel like in these times it is easiest to see and appreciate the strategic blessings the Lord has placed in my life for security and stability through uncertainty. Thus in these times I should be constantly on my knees, in awe of the perfect Lord and what good he creates through the rain and storms of life.The good that we sometimes don't see until we glance back.
There are people and places that God has placed in your life for you to rest in. There are places you call home. When you are there you can be yourself with no pressure to conform or perform up to someone elses standards. These places just bring peace and are full of people who bring hugs, laughter, and encouragement. Thank you Lord for placing Athens and Strong Rock Camp, my two homes away from home, in my path for such a time as this.
I always want for the people who make these places home to know how valued they are in my heart. I feel like in seasons of disarray, it's hard to convey this. This is due to the fact that in seasons where things are chaotic it is the easiest to be in need for someone to just listen. Even in those times, I value having knowledge of the lives of those most cherished to me. I long to be in a season of abundance where I can shower the Lord's truth on you, but even when I'm not in that place, I dearly appreciate and love you.
So always know that when my life seems crazy, I desperately want to know about yours too. Thank you friends for never ceasing to be amazing blessings , even in the chaos friends always bear a special and unique peace.